
Acts 2:14-41

When Peter had been warned by Jesus of his denial, Peter felt confident of his ability to be faithful to Christ (Mark 14:27–29). But at the critical moment of the question, not only did he deny his Jesus, he even began to curse and swear (Matt. 26:69–75). Yet, after all of that, Jesus went out of his way to restore Peter, who was grief-stricken over denying his Master. Once restored, he gave himself to prayer in anticipation of the promised blessing of the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Once that came to him, he was uncontainable, and God used him as the human instrument to usher in the great era of the church.   If God uses a denying, restored, confident and forgiven Peter to build His church, God can use you and He can use me but not in our own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit.