With new restrictions from the Federal and Provincial governments and with watching what has been happening around the world with the Covid19 virus, WestWinds is taking a strong stance in helping control the spread of this virus. The government has restricted meetings to no more than 50 people, but we are taking this a step further and will be doing our ministries in an online format. More information on what that will look like will be sent out soon.
We are suspending all in-person Services, Life Groups, Young Adult meetings, youth meetings, and children’s ministries until this pandemic can be controlled. The reason for this change is that in watching other countries battle this virus, the countries that are seeing better results in controlling it are those that are taking the hard and difficult stance early instead of waiting for it to be too late. As a Pastor, a Christian and just a human being, I am concerned for those most vulnerable and this is why we as the church need to take a hardstand. We will never know if we overreacted in this situation, but we will surely know if we have under reacted.
Yes, we need to be wise by protecting ourselves/our family members, but at the same time, we must show the love of Jesus to others together in unity communicating hope. What can the church do in this time of need? Well if we are healthy and are taking all safety precautions, we can check in on those most vulnerable. We can check in on a neighbor. Donate to the food bank. Pick up essentials for a senior. We can do all of this safely while showing the practical love and hope of Jesus.
I would also like to give a friendly reminder about church finances. This is a difficult time for everyone, and we want to be sensitive to that, but the church cannot help those that need it the most without your help. Please think about what you can give to keep the Lord’s work moving forward at WestWinds in this time of need. Please know we are making many changes to cut costs here at the church so we can be good stewards of what the Lord has blessed us with. There is a video attached to this email on how to give electronically online. If that is not something you are able to navigate, we will still be available at the church to receive your regular tithes and offerings by debit or cheque in person. Please call the office to set up a time and we will assist you in this.
Thank you for your patience and faithfulness as we navigate this unique situation together.
God bless you,
Pastor Mark